Saturday, May 31, 2008
New Mobility illuminates growing problem of obtaining wheelchair reimbursement

New Census data shows prevalence of disability in America
It reports that 41.3 million people have some level of disability, representing 15 percent of the civilian non-institutionalized population 5 and older. By age, the Census reports that 6 percent of children 5 to 15 have disabilities, 12 percent of people 16 to 64 have disabilities, and 41 percent of adults 65 and older have disabilities.
In terms of using or needing assistance, it reports that 10.7 million disabled people 6 and older need personal assistance with one or more activities of daily living (such as taking a bath or shower) or instrumental activities of daily living (such as using the telephone).
As for specific disabilities, the Census says that 2.7 million people 15 and older use a wheelchair, another 9.1 million use an ambulatory aid such as a cane, crutches or walker. It reports that 1.8 million people 15 and older report being unable to see and 1 million people 15 and older report being unable to hear. In the area of speech difficulties, 2.6 million people 15 and older have some difficulty having their speech understood by others.
In the area of MHMR, 14.3 million people have limitations in cognitive functioning or have a mental or emotional illness that interferes with daily activities, including those with Alzheimer's disease and mental retardation. This group comprises 6 percent of the population 15 and older.
In terms of employment issues, 11.8 million of 16- to 64-year-olds report a medical condition that makes it difficult to find a job or remain employed. They comprise 6 percent of the population this age. But 56% of people 21 to 64 with some type of disability were employed in the past year. The rate ranged from 82% of those with a non-severe disability to 43% with a severe disability. For those without a disability, the employment rate is 88 percent for the same period.
In the area of income, $22,000 is the median earnings for people with a non-severe disability. This compares with $25,000 for those with no disability and $12,800 for those with a severe disability. But 18% of people with a non-severe disability did have household incomes of $80,000 or more. By comparison, 26 percent of people without a disability had household incomes of $80,000 or more, with the same being true of 9 percent of those with a severe one.
In terms of living arrangements, 60% of people 25 to 64 with a non-severe disability live in married-couple families. The corresponding rates are 68 percent for those without disabilities and 50 percent for people with severe disabilities. And 23% of people with a non-severe disability live alone or with non-relatives. This compares with 28 percent of those with a severe disability and 19 percent without a disability.
In the arena of education, 33% of people 25 to 64 who had a non-severe disability were college graduates. This compares with 43 percent with no disability and 22 percent with a severe disability. And 2.2 million of undergraduates had a disability, as of the 2003-04 school year. These students represented 11 percent of all undergrads.
In Internet use, 36% of people 15 to 64 with a severe disability use a computer and 29% have the Internet at home, respectively. The respective figures for those without a disability are 61 percent and 51 percent.
The Census reports that 96.5% of transit buses were ADA lift- or ramp-equipped, as of 2005. This represents an increase from 61.7 percent in 1995.
Home break-ins victimize deaf DC residents
"At least eight burglaries or attempted break-ins have been reported in the past two weeks, police said. Laptops, cellphones and cameras have disappeared; in one incident, thieves made off with a midnight snack from the refrigerator," The Post reports.
The D.C. police department's Deaf and Hard of Hearing Unit, in which all members know sign language, is working with the victims so they can communicate with police officers, as well as educating them about personal safety.
Celebrating 180 years in a deaf family
The Smith family has inherited deafness for eight generations, but today's family members say that thanks to technology, many of the challenges faced by their ancestors no longer apply. They say they are proud of their deaf heritage.
Sandra Smith says: "Our family has eight generations of deafness. The earliest deaf relative we have traced is Thomas Smith, who was born in 1824 in Bisley. He was my great-great-great grandfather. He is recorded on the census as being 'deaf and dumb,' which is what deaf people were called in those days. When my sister and I found Thomas and realised that deafness in our family went back to the early 19th century, we just froze. It was such an amazing feeling - to know that we came from such a strong deaf line had a big impact on me.
"Technology has changed the experience of deafness over the generations, even in my lifetime. We didn't have a telephone when I was growing up. It was before the invention of the minicom textphone or fax or mobile texting, so deaf people had no access to telecommunications. We would have to go to the neighbours and ask them to make the call for us. We would only phone if there was a really important reason. If the neighbour came knocking on our door to say there was a call for us we always knew it was bad news.
"We have sign language and deaf culture as a link through the family, but I don't think it matters if a child is deaf or hearing. I have five children: four are deaf and one is hearing. My hearing son signs too, so we all have that common language and bond. I would like to see deafness and deaf culture carry on in our family for future generations, though. That's important to me."
Guide dog and owner face discrimination

Steven Jacquez and guide dog, Ivanna
Steven Jacquez and his guide dog Ivanna were refused service at a Vallejo, Calif., restaurant May 25, which is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Apparently unaware of ADA protections, the owner of Momo's American Cuisine told Jacquez and Ivanna, a yellow Labrador Retriever, to leave, citing potential health code violations.
As the Vallejo Times-Herald correctly reported, "refusing to serve a blind person accompanied by a guide or service dog is illegal under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Federal law allows people with disabilities to bring service animals into customer areas, and requires that they receive equal service."
Jacquez, who is legally blind, said he showed a waitress his laminated, pocket-size version of the ADA, but was asked to leave. The owner told him, "No Dogs. Get out."
The police were called and the restaurant owner received a lecture about the ADA.
Although this is a small story in one town in America, I applaud the local newspaper for covering it. The more the issue is covered, the more business owners will know that guide dogs must be allowed admittance.
Friday, May 30, 2008
"30 Days" gives wheelchair use a spin

In 1991, he was playing for the Detroit Lions when his teammate and friend, Mike Utley, was part of a play that left him paralyzed from the chest down.
Anti-vaccine autism activists to rally in DC June 4

After several months, he was officially diagnosed with autism.
"Gradually, I started piecing it together. He got sick after his vaccinations and about a week later everything changed. He was a completely different little boy then," said Nelson.
Old myths about leprosy still around

Elizabeth Blanchard, 15, left, was diagnosed with
Hansen's disease (leprosy).
The Washington Post reports on a Baton Rouge, La., teen, Elizabeth "BB" Blanchard, who was diagnosed with leprosy, which is now called Hansen's disease. The story is very thorough in covering both Blanchard's story and the history and stigma of Hansen's disease.
The Blanchard family and everyone at BB's school received an in-depth lesson about leprosy after her diagnosis. And even in modern-day America, the old fears and stigma about the disease reared their heads.
The Blanchards found they were in the correct location to educate themselves because the National Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) Clinical Center, part of the U.S. Public Health Service, is in Baton Rouge. "Founded in 1894 as a state leprosarium in nearby Carville, La., the center is considered the premier research and treatment facility in the world for leprosy," The Post reports.
About 300,000 new cases of leprosy are diagnosed each year around the world and it affects 2-3 million people internationally, according to the World Health Organization.
"Where it is left untreated, Hansen's disease is a leading cause of disability and devastating deformity," The Post says. "It remains endemic in Bangladesh, India, Brazil and elsewhere."
In the United States, about 6,000 people have Hansen's disease, with 100-200 new cases reported each year. About 60 percent of the new cases are found in California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York and Texas. Studies report that about 95% of humans are naturally immune to leprosy.
The Post reports that the wealth of information on the Internet has helped erode some of the stigma of the disease, which is easily treatable where the anti-leprosy drugs dapsone and rifampin are available.
But misinformation about biblical disease that in the old days banished people to quarantine colonies continues to occasionally appear: In February an Arkansas television station aired an incorrect story saying that recent cases of leprosy among immigrants from the Marshall Islands could grow into an epidemic affecting Americans.
"The item was later corrected by the television station, which chalked it up to bad information from some local doctors, but not before it was publicized online by the Drudge Report," The Post says.
As for BB Blanchard, now that she is well, she says she's not sorry for the experience.
"At my last doctor's appointment, I told my mom that I am kind of happy I have this," she says. "I learned a lot about this disease and got more educated about it. I also find it really cool that I am part of the 5 percent of the world that is not immune to leprosy. Why me? I don't know. But it has been a really cool experience having a biblical disease."
BB and a friend are even planning a science project leprosy for the next school year: "This is the perfect thing to educate my school and everyone about it," BB says. "I have really great knowledge about it now."
"The Love Guru" goes overboard with little people jokes?

in the new Mike Meyers film, "The Love Guru."
You know it's potentially over-the-top when movie reviewers who know little about disability issues complain about insulting jokes.
The Slate magazine podcast about popular culture reviewed the new Mike Meyers movie, "The Love Guru," which comes out June 20, and said the repeated jokes at the expense of little people really annoyed them.
The Trailer Spotting blog also questioned the old repetitive comedy in the upcoming Meyers movie: "How many comedies can you built on jokes about midgets, dicks and promotion for the Toronto Maple Leafs?"
TheScreengrab blog also complained: "It’s clear that Mike Myers, the one-time Gen X comedy staple come animated franchise emperor, needs to stop going back to the well as the well is full of nothing but annoying silly voices and midget jokes."
The film's plot: "Pitka (Mike Myers) is an American who was left at the gates of an ashram in India as a child and raised by gurus. He moves back to the U.S. to seek fame and fortune in the world of self-help and spirituality. His unorthodox methods are put to the test when he must settle a rift between Toronto Maple Leafs star hockey player Darren Roanoke (Romany Malco) and his estranged wife. After the split, Roanoke's wife starts dating L.A. Kings star Jacques Grande (Justin Timberlake) out of revenge, sending her husband into a major professional skid - to the horror of the teams' owner Jane Bullard (Jessica Alba) and Coach Cherkov (Verne Troyer). Pitka must return the couple to marital nirvana and get Roanoke back on his game so the team can break the 40-year-old 'Bullard Curse and win the Stanley Cup."
The Hindu community has already registered its problems with the film. U.S.-based Hindu leaders spoke out against The Love Guru in late April, saying it has a "potentially offensive and religiously insensitive premise," according to E! online.
Critics in India came together in early May to ask that the film be banned altogether from the country's cineplexes. A representative for the influential Mumbai-based Janjagruti Samiti and Sanatan Society for Scientific Spirituality says the film "plays into stereotypes and potentially ridicules the religion's beliefs."
Even the trailer includes some of the jokes at the expense of little people.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Lawsuit over dorm accessibility to proceed

Patronizing Beijing Olympics guide pulled

New technology may allow people with paralysis to operate devices with their brains alone

The Rolling Exhibition comes to Kennedy Center in June
Connolly has traveled the world on his skateboard, photographing the stares of others. Connolly, who was born without legs, has documented more than 32,000 photos of the stares he attracts.
“The job of any photographer, or anyone who can call themselves an artist, is to make people question what they do on reflex," he says. "To make people question a value or an idea that's so common, that people haven't really looked at it yet. And so, right now, what I'm standing for-it's that."
Connolly, who will soon graduate from Montana State University, says he has always been ambitious and independent: "My parents made the decision to not put me in a wheelchair or a hospital. They just took me home."
VSA arts, in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, will present a talk by Kevin Connolly on June 2, 2008, 12-1:30 p.m., at the S. Dillon Ripley Center Discovery Theater.
For more information on The Rolling Exhibition, visit therollingexhibition.com.
Gov. Paterson opens up about his disability

NY Gov. David Paterson
In his first extensive comments about his disability, NY Gov. David Paterson, who is legally blind, tells The AP that "his unlikely ascension has taught him to embrace his disability." He also hopes being a high-profile blind person will other disabled people becomes more comfortable with their own disabilities.
"The concentration that I have had to engage to make this adjustment sometimes feels overwhelming," Paterson told The Associated Press on May 28.
Two weeks ago, his disability was on public display when at a news conference, with cameras shooting away, he pressed his face close to the bill he was to sign as he searched for the signature line. The New York Times ran the photo very large in the next day’s edition."A number of people were actually upset that I was exposed that way by the picture," Paterson said. "But I felt very good about the picture because when I was younger, if I dropped change, I would never pick it up. I wouldn’t even attempt to, because I had a problem with people watching me crawling on the floor, looking for change.
"Only in the last few years of my life am I comfortable having people see me display that I have a disability," Paterson said.
The blindness community is also welcoming his openness about his disability.
"It’s always encouraging to see someone like David Paterson succeed because he does give blind people, who maybe didn’t have exposure to successful blind people, some hope going forward," said Chris Danielsen of the National Federation of the Blind.
Paterson says, "I had been, on occasion, accused of trying to hide my own disability. But now, to be able to be myself and have it known ... I think there are a lot of people who have a lot of different problems who feel more empowered. If that’s the case, I’m feeling pretty good about that aspect of the job."
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Home foreclosures soar in military towns, affecting disabled vets

Walks on Wheels gives access to beautiful British countryside

Minister continues preaching from his wheelchair

"While he preaches from a wheelchair now instead of standing behind a pulpit, he said the preaching is no different," The Baptist Standard reports.
Child who may have Asperger's voted out of kindergarten class

First grade teacher creates film to challenge children's myths about disability

The film will have its first screening 2 p.m. May 31, 2008 at the Watertown Public Library in
Australian mothers provide autism information to other parents

Arab-American comic talks about her identity as disabled

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pope urged to give advice about churchgoers with autism

Korea expands special education in 2010
In 2011 and 2012, children aged 4 and 3 will be able to enter special education classes.
The Ministry said education authorities will carry out disability tests from time to time so that children with disabilities can be detected early and enter education programs.
"Before the new law, it was the parents’ responsibility to detect any disability in their children and find and pay for the right education facility," Chosunilbo reports. "Also, parents had to pay for the entire cost of special education for disabled children under three, and the government only partially funded the cost of regular education."
Disabled people find voting difficult in India

In the world’s largest democracy, people with disabilities say they face many barriers when trying to vote.
Disabled people still "invisible" in Russia

According to the United Nations, 14 million Russians are disabled, but they are only gradually being integrated into Russian society. But the new Russian president says he wants to make it a priority.
Beijing Olympics guide makes insulting assumptions about disabled people

The Australian newspaper The Herald Sun reports that the Chinese volunteer guide for people helping with the Olympics and Paralympics has some insulting assumptions about people with disabilities.
"Disabled people can be unsocial, stubborn, controlling and defensive," the official Beijing Olympics guide says.
The Olympic manual for volunteers in Beijing adds that that physically disabled people are "often" mentally healthy. Volunteers are told not to call Paralympians or disabled spectators "crippled" or "lame," even if they are "just joking" because "disabled people can be defensive and have a strong sense of inferiority."
The guide says disabled people "show no differences in sensation, reaction, memorisation and thinking mechanism from other people, but they might have unusual personalities because of disfigurement and disability. For example, some physically disabled are isolated, unsocial, and introspective; they usually do not volunteer to contact people. They can be stubborn and controlling; they may be sensitive and struggle with trust issues. Sometimes they are overly protective of themselves, especially when they are called crippled or paralysed."
The guide does tell the volunteers to "show respect when you talk with them. Though life has handed many difficulties to them, disabled people are often independent and self-reliant."
Australian Olympic swimming champion of the 1960s, Dawn Fraser, says in the article that she wasn't surprised by the patronizing comments in the guide. She said she saw disabled athletes spat on in the streets of Beijing during university games there in the mid-1990s.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Soldier struggles with brain injury caused by war

The autism rights movement gets coverage

Ari Ne'eman
Ari Ne’eman, 20, who has an Asperger’s diagnosis, runs the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, and has used the forum to counter an ad campaign he called “the oldest and most offensive disability stereotypes to frighten parents.” New York magazine profiled the autism rights movement in its May 25 issue.
Even though people with diagnoses of autism and Asperger’s sometimes dislike social interaction, Ne'eman says, “we are not incapable of it and can succeed and thrive on our own terms when supported, accepted, and included for who we are.”
Ne'eman used his network to protest the NYU Child Study Center ad campaign that featured
ransom notes that said: “We have your son. We will make sure he will not be able to care for himself or interact socially as long as he lives. This is only the beginning.” It was signed “Autism."
Like other disability groups, stereotypes of people with autism are hurtful in their misrepresentation that adults won't be able to live and interact in their community. Ne'eman says.
He began a letter-writing campaign against the ransom note campaign and recruited support from the major U.S. disability groups and received coverage from the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. About three weeks after the ad campaign began, they were pulled.
"It was a signal triumph for the neurodiversity movement, the self-chosen name for the autism-rights brigade," New York explains. "Autism advocates are an entirely new category: The whole idea didn’t really exist five years ago. Moreover, rather than advocating for a cure, or seeking research into the cause of the much-publicized 'autism epidemic,' these activists argued that society needed to change, not autistic people."
The article also features other autism-rights spokespeople: Jim Sinclair, who has produced essays on the topic, Judy Singer, an Australian whose mother and daughter have Asperger’s and who is on the spectrum herself and who coined the term neurodiversity; and American writer Harvey Blume.
The Internet has helped the autism-rights movement by allowing activists to find each another and communicate at their own speed. The Web, Singer said, “is a prosthetic device for people who can’t socialize without it.”
A stroke of bliss

Electronic magnifying glass can help people with low vision

A label magnified with the Quicklook Focus.
According to the NY Times Novelities column May 25, the old-fashioned magnifying glass has been upgraded to a hand-held video device that can benefit people who have low vision or are losing their vision.
These newer lightweight, portable devices weigh about 9 ounces or less and can enlarge the print on closeby or more distant objects. For example, users can pass the magnifier over a menu in a poorly lit restaurant, for example, or aim it at a product on a grocery store aisle.
Dr. Bruce P. Rosenthal, chief of low-vision programs at Lighthouse International in Manhattan, which provides services for people with vision loss, said, "the portable magnifiers, with their built-in illumination and powerful electronics, have many advantages over traditional optical devices like magnifying glasses."
“Optical devices can’t increase the contrast like these devices,” he said. “Loss in contrast causes as many problems as loss of visual acuity.”
Sunday, May 25, 2008
"How's Your News" readies for MTV show

Sensory trail gives independent access to blind people

Mental health system in Texas in crisis
thousands of people without critical treatment due to both lack of state funding and also a state law that prevents many people from receiving mental health care.
I am glad they are covering the story, but I hate to tell them that the mental health system in Texas has been in crisis for at least 20 years. When I was a medical reporter in Texas in the 1980s, I did many stories about the lack of resources for people with mental illness. In fact, some administrators in the MHMR system were rumored to have used "bus therapy" on people with mental illness, which meant they bought someone a bus ticket to send the person to another funding jurisdiction. Sad, sad.
With a massive deficit looming, the 78th Texas Legislature cut mental health services by only allowing three types of mental illnesses to be treated on a long-term, outpatient basis: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and major depression with psychotic features, KPRC-TV reports.
According to to the American Psychiatric Association, about 300 diagnosable mental illnesses exist.
"In limiting access to individuals, in particular those that I work with that are homeless, to three diagnoses, you leave out an entire population," said Anthony Love, president of Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County.
Deputy chief of psychiatry for the Harris County Hospital District, Dr. Britta Ostermeyer, says "limiting funds for outpatient mental health care creates a surge of people continually going into crisis."
The KPRC-TV investigation shows that "a lack of funding has led to a staggering lack of bed space in Harris County. This, in turn, causes those with mental illness to clog ER's, jails, courts and is feeding the chronically homeless population."
Canadian architect advocates for barrier-free access
Wickman, a national expert in accessibility and barrier-free design in Canada, wrote an article about the need for more barrier-free design in Canadian Architect magazine.
"My father and I rarely entered a building in the same way as the majority of others; the service entrance was the norm for us," he writes. "We were also less likely to visit friends at their homes."
So in his career as an architect, he advocates for home visitability and universal access to public buildings.
"I now realize how easy it is to design a building or space to be more usable by more people, including persons with disabilities," he says. "The concept of 'visitability' is one of the simplest and most economical approaches to universal design that can address homeowners' and community needs over time, contributing to a more flexible and sustainable built environment. Visitability ensures that everyone--regardless of mobility--will be able to at least visit someone else's home and use the washroom."
For more information about visitability in Canada, go to Visitability Canada. In the USA, go to Concrete Change.
Canada can provide model for accessible money for blind people

Dushun Dotson, 19, who works at the snack bar at
Visions/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired in NYC,
says she's overjoyed that America may one day have accessible money.
In fact, the Bank of Canada is about to begin making new accessible money because the money it introduced in 2001, which has raised bumps in a corner of each bill to indicate monetary value, is beginning to wear out, the Canadian Press reports.
Canada's paper currency doesn't use Braille but the raised markings are arranged in patterns that a blind person can feel to identify denominations from $5 to $100.
The raised markings were added to the Canadian Journey series of bank notes in 2001 after consultations with Canadian blindness groups. The markings on the money were treated with a polymer to help them endure but through use they've been flattening out and becoming unreadable.
The money also has features for Canadians who have low vision such as larger numbers and contrasting colors.
"The tactility features on our notes have generally been well received by the blind and visually impaired community," said Monica Lamoureux, a spokeswoman for the Bank of Canada."There are, however, improvements to be made, and the bank will be looking at the accessibility features in the design process for the next series of notes which the bank plans to issue beginning in 2011."
The USA lags behind Canada in the area of accessible money, but the U.S. appeals court ruling May 20 should force the American government to change its paper money because the court said U.S. money's uniform size and color discriminates against blind and visually impaired people.
The New York Times reports that many blind Americans are extremely happy with the ruling.James A. Kutsch, the president of the Seeing Eye Inc. of Morristown, N.J., a nonprofit guide dog school, said the ruling will mean greater independence for people who are blind or visually impaired.
“Currently, identifying money requires either the assistance of another person or use of technology,” he said, referring to portable or computer-based scanners that read aloud the denominations of paper money but can cost more than $250.
“Both have limitations,” Mr. Kutsch said. “Not everyone’s a techie — not everyone wants to use or can afford to use this technology. And with the low-tech option of asking someone else, you have to rely on the integrity of the person you ask, and the availability.”
Saturday, May 24, 2008
ASL class popular at Lubbock high school

Colin Farrell plays wheelchair user in new film

Disability activist in Zimbabwe explains problems there
"I wanted to instill in their minds, the plight people with disabilities face in this country. Like any other Zimbabwean, I am entitled to use the road, but no provision has been made for people who use wheelchairs," he said in an interview with the Zimbabwe Guardian.
Moyo says at the Compensation House in Harare, the only access for people with disabilities to a senior Government official's office is through steep uneven stairs.
"I bluntly refused to be bundled up the stairs. Instead the meeting was held in one of the offices at the ground floor," Moyo says.
Zimbabwe's physical environment, especially in towns and cities, remains inaccessible to many people with disabilities, he says.
"The problem lies with the policymakers. In fact, as far as I am concerned, they do not know we exist. It is funny that after 28 years of Independence, the problem of people with disabilities is still being addressed as if it's something new," he said.
Moyo said in the end people with disabilities are not able to contribute to the development of the country because the "system does not accommodate us."
Zimbabwe has an estimated 1.3 million disabled people.
Kenya unveils survey of people with disabilities
The survey done by National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics looked at the number of people with disabilities, their distribution, the nature of their disabilities and their causes.
The survey evaluated problems faced by those living with disabilities and how they cope with them, according to NationMedia. It looked at the services and rehabilitation programs available to Kenyans with disabilities.
According to the World Bank, in developing countries, "disability can cause poverty by preventing the full participation of persons with disabilities in the economic and social life of their communities."
The survey in Kenya found that the most prevalent disability was some type of visual impairment or problem with vision.
Talk of the Nation: Reaction when public figures become ill or disabled

Elizabeth Edwards talks to a Senate committee about cancer.
NPR's "Talk of the Nation" delved into public reaction when public people become ill or disabled in its May 23 discussion called "When Public Figures Get Sick."
"These days, with 24/7 media, the illness of a public figure quickly becomes a major story -- for instance, the news this week that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) has a brain tumor. Another recent example is Elizabeth Edwards' battle with breast cancer," Tom Reagan writes of the show's Blog of the Nation Web site.
"Often these illness can lead to a great deal more information about a particular illness making its way into the public mind share. Past examples include; the late-Mickey Mantle's liver replacement and what it did for raising awareness of organ donation; 'Magic' Johnson's battle with HIV/AIDS reduced the stigma associated with the disease; and the late President Reagan's battle with Alzheimer's made more people aware of it's debilitating effects."
The show also discussed polio survivor FDR and the heart attack of President Dwight Eisenhower in 1955.
NBC national news features disabled person without mentioning disability
NBC Evening News with Brian Williams did a story May 23 about people cutting back on Memorial Day travel because of rising gas prices. Reporter Janet Shamlian talked to several people in the Atlanta area and one was presented as an "Atlanta mom" as Shamlian and she went to the grocery store to shop for weekend supplies.
The Atlanta mom is Fran Whitaker, who also happens to use a wheelchair. Whitaker discusses her family's scaling back of weekend plans, by going to the lake, which is closer, than to the beach.
The report makes no mention of Whitaker's disability and has some great shots of her and her kids shopping and loading the car with groceries. Just a regular shopping trip like anyone else -- that's great image that is most powerful because of its subtly.
Kudos to NBC Nightly News and Janet Shamlian for their report. (I do have to correct Shamlian on her intro to the piece in which she said "the cost of gas is crippling travel." Not a word to use if one is not a member of the disability community, Janet.)
You can watch the report here.
Thanks to Laura Hershey of Crip Commentary for tipping me to this.
Friday, May 23, 2008
UC Berkeley graduate with autism produces honors thesis on bluegrass music