Friday, April 3, 2009

U.S. government sets up Web site to deal with recession-related mental health problems

From the Triangle Business Journal in N.C.:

Uncle Sam wants you to pay attention to how the struggling economy could trigger signs of mental illness and depression.

The U.S. government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has set up a Web site called “A Guide to Getting Through Tough Economic Times.”

It details health risks from layoffs, foreclosures and other economic turmoil, risks such as depression, anxiety and compulsions such as over-eating or gambling. The site also gives tips for managing stress and links to hotlines or centers for help with drugs and alcohol abuse or preventing suicide.

For managing stress, the site advises people to strive for a hopeful attitude towards the future, to stay connected to family and friends, and to exercise.

It lists warning signs for suicide and encourages people to seek help immediately if they or someone they know seems to be at risk.

A special note to journalists links to suggestions from the Annenberg Public Policy Center about responsible and non-sensational coverage of suicides. Lurid media reports of suicides can lead to copycat suicides, the site warns.

Click here to visit the site.