The Morning Bulletin in Rockhamptom, Australia:
Despite his disability, Andrew Denman (pictured) is independent and full of life.
The Rockhampton 25-year-old has cerebral palsy and on Wednesday he was playing a drum and participating in other activities to celebrate National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week, from August 2 to August 8.
To celebrate the week, the Cerebral Palsy League held a “Join Us in the Park” day at the Botanic Gardens which included yoga, relaxation, drum playing and wheelchair dancing.
The theme for National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week is “You be the difference”.
Some people with cerebral palsy are mobile, lead independent lives and make valuable contributions to the workforce, schools, sports and arts every day.
While others are less mobile, they are still active and engaged in the lives of family, friends and their community.
Adult Services manager of the league Julie Ferris said Andrew was part of the life skills program where he learnt skills such as cooking and personal development.
Julie said the league offered a learning centre to give people opportunities to have a much better life.
It also supported people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.
Julie said it was an exciting time for the league, with the implementation of a 12-month pilot program of a Mobile Attended Care Service operating around the Rockhampton region.
“Within that service we are looking at half-hour blocks of support to people living in their own homes and it's about increasing people's independence,” she said.