A new
YouTube video is available of his Google talk. Here's the description:
Tony Deifell taught photography to blind children. More importantly, they taught him what it means to see. He draws surprising lessons about innovation and leadership from the experience. Whether it is business strategy, customer behavior, team building or personal development, he shows us how we are each bound by the ways in which we see the world.
FastCompany.com called Tonys book SEEING BEYOND SIGHT (pictured), "savvy, passionate, witty, and yes, beautiful." "This book will make you look—and look again—at how you perceive and what you assume, claimed Shambhala Sun. He uses the physics of light as a metaphor — DISTORTION, REFRACTION, REFLECTION, TRANSPARENCE, ILLUMINANCE — to tell pleasantly surprising stories about different ways of seeing and thinking out-of-the-box that be applied to any sector or field.
You can see photos by the blind photographers at: http://www.seeingbeyondsight.org/.