Rachel used to come to class each day and scream for six hours. The developmentally disabled woman had been kicked out of other behavior-management programs because of her inability to adapt. But within six weeks in a new Camarillo program offered by People Creating Success Inc., she stopped screaming.
Rachel, whose full name was not released because of her condition, has made great progress, according to Bonnie Schlachte, director of day services for People Creating Success.
The private company has been in operation for eight years, with offices in Ventura, Santa Barbara, Encino, Antelope Valley and Newbury Park. But the day program, located at First Lutheran Church on Arneill Road in Camarillo, is just 4 months old.
The company works with the Tri-Counties Regional Center to provide services to developmentally disabled adults. The day program is designed for adults who have graduated or left high school but still need help learning how to function more independently.
“We get a lot of folks here who have, quite frankly, been kicked out of other programs because they were behavioral problems,” said Meredith Catalini, vice president of operations for People Creating Success. “Here, we’re able to get them to succeed.”
According to Schlachte, many behavior-management or day programs don’t focus enough on the individual. “We thought, what does a ‘neuro-typical’ person do when he or she graduates from high school? Well, they check their options, they see what interests them and they create a path to get there.”
The company has created a curriculum individualized for each client. Relying on state funding, the program is designed like a community college, offering courses that change every three months and are tailored to clients’ abilities. A recent course schedule offered life-skills classes such as reading and math, but also subjects like photography, dance and music.
“We needed to do something a little more innovative,” Schlachte said. “There’s always a (funding) crisis in social services. There will always be one. We don’t focus on that. We focus on the people we serve.”
Currently, the Camarillo program serves 11 clients, with five more to be added soon once their transportation needs are worked out. “We intend to keep it small, and we’ll top out around 40 or 45,” said Jason Romero, the company’s president and CEO.
In a typical day program, the state will spend about $17,000 a year per client, Schlachte said. “If that person lives to be 65, that’s a big chunk of change,” she said. “We’re working to get people out and into the community, pursuing their interests, within five to 10 years.”
The group works to create a type of apprenticeship program for clients. “We’re trying to bring that system back,” Schlachte said. “When you give people that kind of responsibility and sense of purpose, they will always amaze you.”
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
California day program for people with disabilities finds success through individualized curriculum
From the Ventura County Star in California. In the picture, Francis Castaneda, right, a dance and art teacher at People Creating Success, hugs Tina Wickern after finishing a dance session.