Saturday, September 5, 2009

Russian wheelchair fencer says the sport gave him a new lease on life

The New Tang Dynasty TV report transcript. The video is here. Pictured is Liudmila Vasilyeva of Russia (L) and Yao Fang of China (R) competing during the Beijing Paralympics.

The “World of Equal Chances” sports festival in Moscow gives disabled sportsmen a feeling that life can indeed be worth living.

[Viacheslav Kaleev, Paralympic Fencer]:
“At the beginning after the crash, I stayed at home, I was afraid to go out, it was difficult. But then I started to take part in the competitions, and when I won a few, I started believing in myself. Then I started to go out into town and did not feel so insecure anymore.”

Before the car accident he was an athlete.

But after the tragedy Viacheslav says he didn’t know what to do. But everything was about to change for the better. While at the gym a fencing instructor invited him to join the team.

Two years of weekly training lead Viacheslav to the Russian Paralympic Fencing team.

This year his team won gold in Italy.

[Viacheslav Kaleev, Paralympic Fencer]:

“When you go to the podium and hear your anthem, you feel so proud, inspired and confident!”

Fencers duel on wheelchairs attached to the floor separated by the distance of an outstretched arm.

Friends and relatives come to watch and support, and so do famous sportsmen, musicians and politicians.

[Valeriy Seleznev, Member of Parliament]:
“These people are of course courageous. This sport is for courageous people. Sportsmen here show us the miracles of human ability. And they also give hope to other disabled people.”

People are inspired by the willpower of the sportsmen.

[Eugenie Borisov, Volunteer]:
“When I see such a person who is seeking and achieving something, I feel that I also need to set goals and achieve results.”

Viacheslav Kaleev is looking forward to the 2012 Paralympics where he hopes to win another gold medal.