BOSTON - Two-time cancer survivor and amputee Jothy Rosenberg will launch his new book Who Says I Can’t (Bascom Hill Publishing Group; $14.95) on Dec. 16 at the Pan-Mass Challenge Headquarters in Needham, Mass..
Who Says I Can’t chronicles Rosenberg’s triumph over osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer that took his leg and one of his lungs before the age of 20, and how his experiences prepared him for the entrepreneurial world of high-tech startups.
“I wrote this book to show how the fight to regain self-confidence after major life trauma carries over to other aspects of life that are equally challenging,” says Rosenberg. “I hope the book inspires people with its depiction of how I became a serial (or, as I say in the book, incorrigible) entrepreneur.”
“Jothy Rosenberg is not a celebrity but an Everyman, which gives his wrenching story of astonishing grit its inspirational power,” says Jonathan Alter of Newsweek. After his leg was amputated, Rosenberg made the decision that he would travel across the country to the Rockies, where he would ski until he died. He skied for 100 days straight on one leg. When the ski season ended—and he was not dead—Rosenberg returned to his hometown near Detroit, striving not to fit in, but to stand out.
Now in his fifties, Rosenberg has built his endurance to a level of athleticism greater than most two-legged individuals. He raises money for charities such as the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through his athletic events. With one leg, he has biked the PMC seven times and swum sixteen times from Alcatraz to San Francisco to support the Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program.
Rosenberg earned his PhD in Computer Science at Duke University, authored two technical books, managed a division of Borland International, founded and/or ran 7 startups, is currently CTO of Rocket Technology Labs, and is also helping BAE giant Systems create non-military commercial ventures from DoD-developed technologies. He runs his own blog; when he is not working, swimming or biking, Rosenberg works as an inspirational speaker.