Thursday, December 17, 2009

Report: New Hampshire failing in mental health care

From SeaCoastOnline:

DURHAM, N.H. — A new report from the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability and the N.H. Bureau of Behavioral Health calls for a fundamental revision of the state's approach for treating mental and physical health and substance use disorders.

"New Hampshire's approach to health care fails to systematically incorporate a comprehensive approach to health," said report author Peter Antal, an IOD researcher. "This is evidenced by limited expertise in emotional/mental health care among primary care providers, high staff turnover at community mental health centers and an inconsistent coordination of services across major service sectors in New Hampshire."

The report, "New Hampshire's Prescription for Mental Health Care," utilizes local and national research to document factors that make achieving and maintaining good health challenging for those with mental illness.

Those living with mental illness make up a substantial portion of the population and represent all major aspects of society. The report states they tend to face greater health challenges and pay annual medical care costs almost three times higher than those without mental illness. Community resources are often scarce, as 50 percent of mental health providers surveyed indicated they don't know where to refer people for needed services, the report states.

Those living with more severe forms of mental illness face greater challenges as they are more likely have low incomes and are at increased risk of homelessness, not having transportation to access care and becoming victims of violent crime.

Antal said the need for change is linked not only to the above factors, but also to growing demand for mental health services while support for care is being reduced. Without substantive change, more residents will not receive care needed to help ensure successful recovery, he said. This would reduce individuals' ability to be actively involved in their communities and create long-term costs for every state resident, he said.

NH Bureau of Behavioral Health's administrator Erik G. Riera emphasized the need to develop innovative, sustainable solutions that will support improvement in services across health care providers.

"Given the continued drop in financial support for mental health services across the state and the increase in projected demand, it will be imperative that we work across service sectors to create a more effective and sustainable system of health care for individuals living with mental illness," he said.

Efforts, he said, will involve working with the state's Mental Health Council as well as mental health counselors, primary care providers, consumers and their families, insurance companies, employers and other state and national advocacy groups.

"To create change," added Antal, "we need a strategy and dedicated action to proactively meet the long-term needs of populations with complex health issues."

To download the report, visit