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ABC News in Australia:
The New South Wales Opposition has described a Sydney school's decision to place children with autism into a pen during play periods as inhumane and cruel.
The State Education Department has confirmed that a fenced-off area is used for students with special needs at Seven Hills West Public School.
It says the school is located near a busy road and many of the students have no sense of boundaries.
The area contains just one tree with benches around it, surrounded by dirt.
The Opposition's disability services spokesman, Andrew Constance, says he has seen cattle yards in better condition.
"You cannot treat children with autism in this way," he said.
"It is, I think, no doubt in breach of every discrimination act in the country."
But the Education Department says the pen is generally only used for new students and once teachers are satisfied they have adjusted to their surroundings, and will listen to directions, they are allowed to join the main playground.
It says the area is never locked and the students are supervised by a school learning support officer at all times.
The head of the Education Department, Michael Coutts-Trotter, has praised the school for the way it deals with autistic students.
He concedes the area needs to be grassed but says it was fenced off at the request of parents.
"There are some children who, when they are new arrivals to the school, come without knowing to behave safely in the playground," he said.
"It's a school that has a busy road next to it and some of the children who come into the school have a history of running out of schools, which in this case could mean running onto a very busy road and dying."
Seven Hills West Public School has 52 students with special needs.