Friday, May 14, 2010

British court, normally secret, forced to allow media into hearing when family given power to control affairs of well-known blind, autistic pianist

From The Telegraph in the UK:

The parents and sister of 30-year-old Derek Paravicini (pictured) were given the power to look after his welfare and commercial future because he needs one to one care for the rest of his life.

It was the first time any case in the normally secret Court of Protection has been made public following an application by news organisations, including The Daily Telegraph.

At an earlier Court of Appeal hearing centring on whether the case could be reported, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, had ruled the “interests of the public and media are legitimately engaged.”

The bid to open up the Court of Protection had been opposed by the Official Solicitor appointed to look after Mr Paravicini’s interests.

He claimed it would be a breach of his “right to privacy” under the European Convention on Human Rights. The media claimed it was a breach of their “freedom of expression” rights not to.

The Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the media which meant journalists were yesterday allowed for the first time to attend the Court of Protection, a division of the High Court.

The case centred on the financial and welfare arrangements for 30-year-old Derek Paravicini, who has achieved an international public profile with his musical ability despite being blind and autistic.

Sitting in London, Mr Justice Hedley made his parents and sister court-appointed "deputies" to look after his affairs.

After hearing evidence from Mr Paravicini's father, retired banker Nicolas Paravicini, 72, and sister Elizabeth, 40, the judge said: "It was transparently clear that they were committed to promoting the welfare of Derek.

Giving the background to the case the judge said of Derek – who can be named for the first time: "He has the great misfortune to be both entirely blind and to suffer with a learning disability associated with autistic spectrum disorder, the effect of which is to make him dependent on one-to-one care on a lifelong basis.

"That is one side of the picture. The other side of the picture is that he has been endowed with a remarkable musical talent, which through his own and the efforts of others has been developed to an extent that is in demand in the public sphere."

He was a unable to make "crucial decisions for himself", but was "nevertheless involved in public performance".

During the hearing, his father told the judge: "Derek's life is his music. He is very disabled. He expresses himself, fulfils himself through music.

"We feel it is terribly important that he is able to fulfil himself through performing, which he does already.

"If he can have a career which makes money as well that is something on top."

The Court of Protection was created under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to deal with the affairs of those who lack capacity to make their own decisions.

Mr Paravicini, who was born 14 weeks prematurely, is said to have been able to play a tune from memory by the age of two while by nine he had performed with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at the Barbican in London.

He has thrilled audiences all over the world with performances at Buckingham Palace, Ronnie Scott's jazz club and even inside Downing St.

Psychologists believe his autism led to his brain to develop differently, which left him with an extreme of abilities and disabilities.