The device, which actually incorporates multiple rings and two bracelets, was inspired by Buddhist prayer beads.
The rings "read" the hand movements of sign language and the bracelets
then transmit or "speak" those words out loud. If another person
responds verbally, the device can translate the voice to text that
appears on the bracelet.
Users can also pre-record certain movements to customize their device and develop conversational shortcuts, or even slang.
But some people in the deaf community have reservations about the device's ability to fully translate sign language.
Guillaume Chastel, senior lecturer in the American Sign Language
Department at the University of Rochester in New York, said that unlike a
live interpreter, the device could make mistakes in translating his
sign language.
Chastel recognizes, however, that a live interpreter is not always
available, and that the Sign Language Ring device could help deaf people
with such activities as running errands.
"We do use gestures or write notes ... [but] writing back and forth
takes so long," said Chastel about communicating while at a store. "If
you're doing something basic and you can throw on these bracelets, that
would be a good option."
Others worry that the device could miss crucial information conveyed in the face or in the movements of the person signing.
"American Sign Language encompasses more than what would be measured in
the wrist and fingers. ASL relies on wrist movements, handshapes,
finger-spelling, body movements and facial expressions," said Rosenblum,
who emphasized that he had not seen the device. "The National
Association of the Deaf encourages the developers of this emerging
technology to work with the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, and the
hearing community, to ensure that their innovative product meets our
Nine out of 10 children born deaf have parents who can hear.