Saturday, May 8, 2010

Comedian Joe Piscopo buys new dog for Dallas group home for children with autism that was burglarized

From CBS 11 in Dallas:

Actor and comedian Joe Piscopo (pictured) was in Dallas May 7 to conduct a little business and to help an autism center that was burglarized last week.

Last Thursday someone broke into a group home run by the Autism Treatment Center of Dallas. A laptop computer, a video game system and games were all stolen, along with the center's dog. The dog, a Yorkie Terrier named 'Diva' has not been found. No arrests have been made.

But today Piscopo visited the center, and an Irving family was there to deliver a new dog named 'Gunner' to the children who live in the group home.

"One of my partners, his son is autistic" says Piscopo. "And he alerted me to what happened so it kind of really tugged on heart strings."

Executives of the center say Piscopo and his friends have replaced all of the stolen items and a local company is in the process of installing an alarm system.

Employees have notified nearby kennels and animal control centers about Diva, but she has not been located.

"I just think that this is just a very special population" says the director, Carolyn Garver. "They (the residents with autism) don't understand a whole lot and sometimes they get a bad break and so this is a good break and I just can't thank everyone enough."

"It was just a couple of Jersey guys, just trying to come to Dallas and give back to the community" says Piscopo.