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The National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2010 NDEAM Poster has been released.
New This Year: downloadable versions of the poster are available in English, Spanish plus six additional languages: Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, and two Native American languages: Navajo, Lakota.
The Theme
Talent has no boundaries: Workforce diversity includes people with disabilities
The 2010 NDEAM theme emphasizes the rich diversity and talent that workers with disabilities bring to the workplace.
According to Kathleen Martinez, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy, "Our diversity of talent is the wellspring of innovation and creativity in the workforce."
About the Artist
The 2010 poster highlights the talents of artist and writer, Laura Hershey. Ms. Hershey is one of many artists featured on VSA's Website. VSA is the International Organization on Arts and Disability.
Through the medium of computer generated art, Ms. Hershey created a figure of a hand of many colors and shapes that, through her verse, reaches out in friendship to dispel the fears and misconceptions often associated with disabilities.
Beth Haller, Ph.D., is Co-Director of the Global Alliance for Disability in Media and Entertainment (www.gadim.org). A former print journalist, she is a member of the Advisory Board for the National Center on Disability and Journalism (https://ncdj.org/). Haller is Professor Emerita in the Department of Mass Communication at Towson University in Maryland, USA. Haller is co-editor of the 2020 "Routledge Companion to Disability and Media" (with Gerard Goggin of University of Sydney & Katie Ellis of Curtin University, Australia). She is author of "Representing Disability in an Ableist World: Essays on Mass Media" (Advocado Press, 2010) and the author/editor of Byline of Hope: Collected Newspaper and Magazine Writing of Helen Keller (Advocado Press, 2015). She has been researching disability representation in mass media for 30+ years. She is adjunct faculty in the Disability Studies programs at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the University of Texas-Arlington.