Geraldo Rivera's 1972 exposé on the inhumane treatment of people with intellectual disabilities at the Willowbrook State School on Staten Island in New York caused a government investigation of Willowbrook and it eventually closed in 1987. "Unforgotten: 25 years after Willowbrook," a 1996 documentary that includes Rivera's original footage, was released on DVD Sept. 30. You can watch the trailer here.
Here's the call for contributions to the 2009 news special:
Visibly moved by comments from self-advocates, family members and chapter leaders at the Opening Plenary Session of The Arc's 2008 National Convention, renowned television journalist, Geraldo Rivera, electrified the audience, pledging that on January 6, 2009 - the anniversary of his expose about Willowbrook - he will present a one-hour news special to shine light on the current crisis facing people with disabilities and their families - the Waiting List.
This news expose will only be possible if chapters of The Arc, self-advocates and family members come forward IMMEDIATELY with VIDEO and STORIES that dramatically illustrate the challenge people with intellectual disabilities face today in accessing the service they need to live freely in the community.
The Arc of the United States will be working with Geraldo and his staff to gather the background information, stories, video and other media to make this show a success..... but time is very short.
Have good video to share? Send it in today.
Have a compelling story to tell? Then get to work today. Write it down or, better yet, take out your video camera and film away!
Geraldo needs stories about the crisis people with disabilities and their families are facing at all stages of the life span.
Send your video or stories to communications@thearc.org. For assistance contact Laura Hart, Director of Communications at hart@thearc.org or Stacy Monoghan, Online Advocacy Manager, at monoghan@thearc.org
Let's make this the beginning of the end of the Waiting List.
Peter Berns
Executive Director
The Arc of the United States