Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pocket sign language translator to be on the market soon


The Sign Language Translator by Krown (pictured) does just what its name implies: it takes the words you feed into it and, on its modestly sized touchscreen, plays a video of the proper hand sign. If you type in "happy," for instance (or one of 3,500 other words), a video — acted out by a decidedly somber, almost creepy older man — plays and in a matter of seconds just about anyone could effectively communicate with the deaf or anyone who relies on sign language.

This is quite honestly the coolest application of a pocket dictionary we've seen in a
long time. Looking up foreign words is just as helpful, but the Sign Language
Translator could help the average person as well as caretakers, parents and friends of those who have lost their hearing.

Look for the Sign Language Translator to hit early this year for around $200.