Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Autistic kids do Dance of Joy in performance in India

From DNA in India:

MUMBAI, India -- The Arts in Motion Dance Studios has organised a two-day festival which focuses on dance and includes competitions, performances and an open house dance night. Part of this festival is a lavish dance extravaganza titled Dance with Joy, which will showcase the performances of autistic children.

Aanchal Gupta, owner of the studio, says, “These children have behavioural disorders. However over three months we have seen that disappear with the magic of dance.” Dancing has had a positive effect on the children. “From being non-responsive, non-cooperative, stubborn and strong headed, they are now friendly, fun, social beings. Autism causes the affected to live in a fantasy world instead of reality. It’s amazing how they now say ‘hello’ to everyone, recognise and interact with each other and above all ask us to play their favourite songs that they are dancing on. The parents are smiling. So there’s obviously something we’ve done right,” she says smiling.

Two choreographers, a therapist, and dozens of other helpers have helped the children practice for the performance for three months. The studio also hosted dance performances with surgical patients, street children and cancer survivors in the past three successive years.

There is a general fear that the kids may freeze on stage while performing. Aanchal says, “Autistic kids are like that. We have tried various stimulators such as loud sounds, darkness, hooting, shouting, and anything else which will help to prepare them for the show. I doubt that they will freeze on the stage since they are having a fantastic time and enjoying themselves so much. Nonetheless we have felt extreme joy and humility dancing with them. It’s also been a life-altering journey for us all and we are grateful to God for these little beautiful moments.”

Dance with Joy takes place at the St. Andrew’s auditorium in Bandra on Friday, July 23, 2010.