Note: This is a reprint of Evans, D. (2017). "Please stop comparing disability mimicry to blackface," on the Dominick Evans website, which experienced a breach and was shut down. Reprinted with permission, 2021.
By Dominick
Evans, (He/They), Hollywood Inclusion & Representation Consultant, Filmmaker,
Writer, Streamer, Influencer, and FilmDis Founder. Evans is pictured.
Those of us
who are white in the disability community need to have a conversation about
cultural appropriation. There are black and brown disabled people in our
communities. They often go ignored, are not listened to, and they are speaking
out about the things that our greater community does that are harmful to them.
One of those things is culturally appropriating terms that have been taken from
concepts relating to racism and the oppression of Black and brown bodies. I
know it gets tiring to hear this new term or that new term, but when it comes
to those who are multiply marginalized in our community, we need to actually
listen to what they are saying.
I spend all day, most days studying film, television, and other media. We've
had this discussion before, and I think it's an important one we need to have
again. We as disabled people and our allies need to stop calling the unfair
casting of non-disabled people as "disabled" and the exclusion of
disabled actors from media such as film and television as "cripface."
The term has specifically been taken from blackface, and I see the comparison
between the two over and over again. We spoke about it during our #FilmDis
discussion back in 2015, which was led by disabled POC. They have told us to
stop doing this over and over again, and I don't know if the message is not
getting through to everyone, but I believe we should listen.
I know that we have struggled to find a word or phrase, although, generally,
using "cripping up" has been better accepted, and I've also started
using disabled mimicry, which I think fits simply because mimicry is often
embedded in (often unintentional) mockery. Whether non-disabled actors intend
to mock us is not relevant to using the term, because whether there is malice
or not that is what happens. It is a mockery of disability, through the weird
vocal intonation or accents we hear when portraying CP or Deaf characters, the
twitching, writhing bodies portraying strokes or spasticity, the rigidity of
body posture, curling and flopping of wrists, or whatever physically
stereotypical things these actors take on to portray what they think it means
to be disabled. Yes, disabled bodies do some of these things, but they do so
naturally and organically. It's not something easily done if your body does not
curl or twist or writhe or flap on its own, and often becomes to focal point of
disabled portrayals by non-disabled performers.
Nobody is saying this is not bad or horrible. In fact, it is very harmful. It
harms the disability community, which is why I scoff at the defense of actors
doing it. I recently saw an article asking if we should take away the Oscars
from actors like Tom Hanks and Daniel Day-Lewis for their performances that are
nothing short of disabled mimicry. Even Day-Lewis, who I know some disabled
people support, associates disability with nothing more than physically curling
up his body and contorting it, while using his voice to grunt and growl. All of
these factors have turned disability into nothing more than physical
characteristics, and that is the personification of disabled mimicry. Take away
their Oscars for doing real harm to actual disabled people? What a novel idea!
While it is nice to think of that in retrospect, we need to look forward about
what can be done to prevent this in the future.
I digress.
Going further, I see the comparison between disabled mimicry and blackface not
just in how we talk about disabled people being excluded, but also in comparing
the oppression. Blackface comes from a long tradition of outright mocking Black
people. Disabled mimicry is mocking, but rarely have I seen it done
specifically as a form of mocking. Instead, it is done by people who think they
know what disability is about or they think it is a great way to get to the
Oscars, and they probably aren't that far off. Often, the actors think they are
do-gooders taking on a "challenge" while writers and directors seek
praise for "inclusion."
Blackface has long been done insidiously, not just to remind Black people of
their place in society, but also to remind us white folks of our supposed
"superiority over Black people. Looking back at cinema, the legacy
of Birth of a Nation (1915) has painted Black people as foolish,
intellectually inferior, a joke, a silly child. We see the infantilization of
disabled people in film and other media, as well, but it comes from an entirely
different place. Rather, it is done to make us look dependent, burdensome, or
is even used as a plot device. Both forms of oppression are bad and cause harm
to the communities they represent, but they have such different histories the
comparison becomes problematic.
Consider the fact that there are disabled Black people who not only have to
deal with disabled mimicry, but also blackface. Comparing the two can make
these individuals feel invisible. This is what I've been told by numerous Black
disabled activists, more than once when talking about disability, race, and the
media. Add in the fact that over 80% of roles are male, 70% are white, and over
99% are cisgender and heterosexual when it comes to disabled roles, and Black
and brown disabled women and trans folks are already feeling very excluded from
the media. We need to start including Black disabled people, especially women
and trans folks, not only in the discussion about media, but in the creation of
it. That is hard to do when we consider we may be isolating Black disabled
folks by comparing their/our oppression as disabled people, with their
oppression as Black people.
Disabled mimicry comes from a place where disabled people have no voices
because it is often assumed we cannot speak for ourselves. It comes from a
place of ignorance about disability. It comes from people who may think they
are doing something good for our community, but who are actually harming it
because they have no concept of what our community is or what we believe or
represent. Can it be malicious? Absolutely! Do I think most people are doing so
maliciously? I don't believe so, and I have consumed a large amount of media
that includes disabled characters and storylines. Where the problem comes in is
that these creators don't want to listen. They are not exactly aiming to mock
us. They would have to understand disability to know how. I don't think most of
them even understand enough about disability to knowingly do that, but it does
mock us and it does harm us.
Blackface was always meant to mock and dehumanize Black people, and therein
lies the difference. At the heart of this discussion it comes down to intent.
Whitewashing may have become more insidious like disabled mimicry, but the
comparison is not helping anyone. At the heart of this is the fact that Black
disabled people have asked us to stop the comparison, and we need to listen to
what they have to say.
You do not have to believe me, but please listen to the Black disabled voices
in our community:
Anita Cameron, legendary disability rights activist with ADAPT and Not Dead Yet
says, "Cripface is appropriative and erases the history of Black folks and
how we were insulted, ridiculed and put down by the White film establishment.
When cripface is compared to Blackface, it is insulting, inappropriate and flat
out wrong. Just don't do it. And yes, I'm Black and disabled. If I see that
comparison taking place I will call it out! Blackface was meant to be cruel to
Black folks."
As a community, we as disabled people have plenty of valid reasons for why
disabled mimicry is not okay. Instead of pointing out how other groups are
oppressed and excluded, I believe it would be much better if we chose to
develop our own talking points about why disabled mimicry or "cripping
up," whatever we choose to call it, is harmful, and when we do, let's
include the multiply marginalized voices in our community, in the process.
Edited to include quotes.
You can find Dominick Evans here:
Website - FilmDis
Discord - CripCusader Community
Twitter - @DominickEvans