Friday, August 8, 2008

Kenyan play explores daily life of disabled people

Wheelchair user Susan Kimatu (as Hanifa) appears in a scene of "Dear Diary."

Producer Nafisa Khanbhai, who has a mobility impairment, writes in Coastweek about her latest production of "Dear Diary," which is now playing in Kenya:

Dear Diary is not only my story but it’s a story of what is going on in my mind and many minds.

I produced this play in the year 2006 being my first attempt to express the mind of people with disability.

It’s a way of saying and showing that the disabled live in another world. Dear Diary is all about a disabled person's day-to-day life.

It’s a wake up call for people to start delving deep into the lives of the people with disability and not only try to associate with them but try and offer practical help.

And not only understand but to also remember that I and all those like me are normal human beings who need physical and psychological growth.

It is very easy to say that disability is not inability but how many truly believe in it?

The disabled people are not asking for sympathy but to just accommodate them.

Through Dear Diary we have shown the most important and vital issues about the lives of people with disability.