Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Visually impaired pianist going to Hollywood on "American Idol"

FOX-TV's "American Idol" ended its first show of season 8 Jan. 13 with a talented pianist/singer who is visually impaired. Scott MacIntrye, 23, (pictured) has a beautiful voice, and all four judges gave him the thumbs up that sent him to the Hollywood round of the show.

It was difficult to tell if the judges were treating him differently because he's visually impaired or because they were also wowed by his many accomplishments. He started college at 14 at Arizona State University and graduated at 19. He was the 2005 winner of a Marshall Scholarship, a prestigious award for graduate study and undertook graduate studies at Britain’s Cambridge University and the Royal College of Music. You can read the ASU press release about MacIntyre here.

The Huffington Post made fun of Ryan Seacrest trying to high five MacIntyre. You can watch a video of MacIntyre's performance and him discussing his life as a visually impaired performer there:

"American Idol" contestant Scott Macintrye, 23, may be blind, but that didn't stop Ryan Seacrest from trying to given him a high five.

Macintyre plays the piano, went to college at 14 and ballroom dances, and he even sung his way to a golden ticket to Hollywood. After Scott emerged from his audition and hugged his family, Ryan held up his right hand for a high-five.

Seacrest ended up reaching down and taking Scott's hand after his gesture hung midair.