Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New visitability resources available from universal design group at SUNY-Buffalo

From Concrete Change:

Two excellent new visitability resources are available from the RERC-UD at State University of New York, Buffalo:

1) A 10-page illustrated booklet on visitability that contains a rationale for visitability; photos of visitable houses; a sample house plan; detailed standards, language and illustrations that can be used as models for proposed Visitability laws. Excellent way for advocates to educate themselves and others. FREE download at
The booklet is based on the full-length "Inclusive Housing" book described below.

2) "Inclusive Housing, A Pattern Book", 144 pages (pictured). By the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, with contributions from Edward Steinfeld and Jonathon White.

This book sets numerous examples of inclusive houses (with accompanying drawings) within a larger context of accessible, healthy communities. The examples cover a wide range of housing types, styles, and development densities--exploring how accessibility can be achieved in different types of neighborhoods and housing forms. The concepts are presented at a level that meets the expectations of design professionals, but at the same time comprehensible by the general public.
A valuable resource for architectural firms, university libraries, public libraries, planning commissions, smart-growth proponents, and anyone interested in advancing inclusive homes and communities.
For sale at