Monday, July 14, 2008

"Sopranos" star making documentary about clinical depression

Joe Pantoliano

The Boston Herald reports that former “Sopranos” star Joe Pantoliano is trying to combat wants the stigma of mental illness with his new documentary. He was in the Boston area interviewing doctors and patients for a documentary about clinical depression in America and the roadblocks to recovery.

"Pantoliano, who was diagnosed with depression three years ago, founded the nonprofit organization No Kidding, Me Too! to help counter the negative image surrounding mental health issues. The documentary is part of that effort," The Herald says.

“Why is it I’m discriminated against when I take the anti-depressants, but not when I take the Lipitor? The culture is OK with me taking an erectile dysfunction remedy, but not with the (anti-depressants),” Pantoliano said in the article.